Jul 1Liked by mary wallace

Dr. Kristin Neff wrote a book called Self-Compassion, and she talks about how it’s common for people to think if they’re gentle or tender with themselves that it’ll make them lazy/less inclined to meet their goals/etc. It was so helpful for me to read her work on why that’s not the case and how self-compassion serves us more in the long run than self-esteem. The book changed my life!

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I loved reading this!! you've really rehabilitated the in/out lists for me…it's quite fun to check in on one's personal in/out list and see if the year was actually aligned with those intentions and predictions

also really loved your thoughts on our unrealistic idea of thriving—thriving is not "nothing will be bad or get worse or feel like a struggle again, EVER, all difficulty is in the PAST"…existence simply does not work that way! (a big theme in Buddhism, ofc)

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Jul 2Liked by mary wallace

reallyyyyyyyyyy relating to the constant cycles of ennui you described, omg. also feel like i'm floating through life until bedtime! I do think you can find a good balance with productivity without going full-on, hardcore protestant work ethic about it, so it's nice to see your ins/outs reflect that

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Jul 1Liked by mary wallace

Seeing this has made me judge myself a little less and realise I’m only human 😅 but definitely need to do better in trying to be better

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I have had so many tests of my ego recently, I can attest that is quite a wise and noble goal!

you may or may not be interested so take it or leave it, but I am a firm believer in the idea of a Saturn return -> https://www.thecut.com/article/saturn-return-what-it-is-what-to-expect.htm.

Huge huge shifts happened for me around my Saturn return and they were hard shifts but good in the long run. I bet if you calculate yours you will be in the thick of it. https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/saturn-return-astrology-calculator

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